Country: EU 25 and Candidate and Accession countries
Client/funding: European Commission, EU 6FP project No. 037038
Duration: 2006 - 2009
Partners: 11 European institutions, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd - coordinator
With the new regulations included in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC), new strategies are needed for control of Priority Substances (PS). For decision making and implementation of the WFD, the industrial sector, local water authorities and EU policy makers need guidelines for the selection and introduction of feasible and cost-effective measures. The overall objective of this project was to support the implementation process for the WFD by providing guidelines and decision support tools for the management of priority substances.
To fulfil this overall objective the following activities were proposed:
The project focused on a set of priority substances representing different uses and emission sources. These include industrial chemicals, pesticides and unintentionally released compounds. Most of the selected PSs belong to the group Priority Hazardous Substances. Environmental Institute prepared a Danube case study as a support to all workpackages.