Environmental Institute assists with its expertise in various projects focusing on the development of monitoring programmes, measurement strategies, methodologies and techniques, with emphasis on quality control systemic aspects and appropriate data management.

Since 2001 has been EI involved in the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Slovakia and supported WFD-related activities of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) within the Danube river basin (14 European states including new EU MS, PHARE, TACIS and CARDS/OBNOVA countries). EI has contributed to the development of several river basin management programmes, e.g., on rivers Rhine (The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland), Meuse (The Netherlands, Belgium), Prut (Moldova, Romania), Western Dvina (Belarus, Latvia, Russia), Western Bug (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine), Upper Tisa (Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary), Tisa (Serbia and Montenegro, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia), Arda (Bulgaria, Greece), Vardar/Axios (fYR Macedonia, Greece), establishment of wetland protected areas, e.g. Cama Dinu (Romania, Bulgaria) and Lower Dniester (Ukraine, Moldova), WFD coastal water monitoring (Bulgaria, Georgia, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Romania) and development of monitoring strategies for air/water/soil and biodiversity compartments in Albania.
