- PRORISK - Best chemical risk assessment professionals for maximum Ecosystem Services benefit (2020-2024)
- LIFE APEX - Systematic use of contaminant data from apex predators and their prey in chemicals management (2018-2022)
- ANSWER – Antibiotics and mobile resistance elements in wastewater reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions (2015 – 2019)
- Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis – APENA (2015 - 2018)
- Actualization of typology and classification system for assessment of surface water bodies from categories “river”, “lake” and “transitional waters” in the period of the First River Basin Management Plans within Bulgaria (2015 - 2017)
- Exploration and evaluation of chemical status of surface waters, Bulgaria; chemical status assessment according to EQSD (2013/39/EU) in biota and sediment matrices (2015 - 2017)
- Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – Phase 2 – EMBLAS II (2014 – 2018)
- COST Action ES1403: New and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS) (2014 – 2018)
- COST Action ES1307: Sewage biomarker analysis for community health assessment (2014 – 2018)
- SOLUTIONS – EU 7th FP project – Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management (2013 – 2018)
- EDA–EMERGE – Novel tools in Effect Directed Analysis for identifying & monitoring of emerging toxicants on a European scale (2011 – 2015)
- AQUAREHAB – Development of rehabilitation technologies and approaches for multipressured degraded waters and the integration of their impact on river basin management (2009 – 2014)
- NORMAN – Network of reference laboratories and related organisations for monitoring and bio-monitoring of emerging environmental pollutants (2005 – 2008 – present)
- Review of tender documentation and evaluation process for supply of equipment for chemical analysis of water (IPA 2009). Commenting on the tender
documentation, upgrade of the technical specifications of the HPLC-DAD UV-FLD-MS/MS equipment.
Countries: Croatia Client & Funding: European External Action Service, EU to the Republic of Croatia; Duration: 2011 – 2012
- Transitional Agricultural Reform (STAR) project. International trainer for agricultural extension advisors organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia, implementation of the Nitrate Directive and novel green technologies in the agricultural sector.
Countries: Serbia / Client & Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia, STAR project/ Duration: 2012
- Joint Danube Survey 3. ICPDR project (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River). Preparation, organisation and reporting/evaluation of the biggest ICPDR project in 2013
ICPDR countries D, AT, CZ, SK, HU, SLO, HR, SER, BiH, BG, RO, MD, UA/ Client&Funding: ICPDR/ Danube Countries/Duration: 2012 – present
- Framework contract to provide services to support the development and implementation of EU freshwater policies; Consultancy for the DG Environment and Climate Action at the implementation of the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Floods Directive (FD), the assessment and compliance checking of the implementation of the EU water legislation (WFD, Priority Substances Directive, Groundwater Directive and FD), development of WISE, new policy developments;
Countries: EU/ Client &Funding: European Commission, DG Environment and Climate Action, Project No. ENV.D1/FRA/2012/0014 /Duration: 2012 – present
- Framework Service Contract for the Support to the Implementation of the Water Industry Directives; Consultancy for the DG ENV at the implementation of the Drinking Water Directive ((DWD), Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) and Bathing Water Directive (BWD);
Countries: EU / Client & Funding: European Commission, DG ENV, Milieu/ Project No. ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0013/ Duration: 2012 – present
- Preparation of technical specifications for supply of equipment for Nature and Water monitoring and information systems;
Countries: FYR Macedonia / Client & Funding: European Union, IPA /Project No. IPA/TAIB2009/4.2/LOT6/02./ Duration: 2012 – present
- Technical and Administrative Assistance for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC); Consultancy for the EC – DG ENV, evaluation of all aspects of the RBMPs in the EU MS incl. Programmes of Measures;
Countries: EU / Client & Funding: European Commission, DG ENV, WRc / Project No. ENV.D.2/ATA/2005/0057 and DG ENV.D2/SER/2008/0113 (extension in July 2009 and August 2011)/ Duration: 2005 – 2012
- Comparative study of pressures and measures in the major river basin management plans in the EU; Consultancy for the EC – DG ENV, Review of the national RBMPs.
Countries: EU / Client & Funding: European Commission, DG ENV, WRc / Project No. ENV.D.1/SER/2011/0028/ Duration: 2011 – present
- CARPIVIA; Preparatory action on climate in the Carpathian region – Service contract for the integrated assessment of vulnerability of environmental resources and ecosystem-based adaptation measures.
Countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine / Client&Funding: European Commission, DG ENV, DLO-Alterra Wageningen UR, /No. ENV.D.1/SER/2010/0048 / Duration: 2011 – present