Activities are focused mainly on international/national-scale programmes on:
- Integrated river basin management;
- Monitoring and assessment of pollution of river basins, ground water and drinking water;
- Turn-key establishment of environmental laboratories and related staff training;
- Implementation of the analytical quality control schemes;
- Design of environmental information and data management systems;
- Design and construction of Best Available Technologies in the agricultural sector;
- Organisation of training courses, workshops and seminars.
In the last twenty years Environmental Institute (EI) has participated in EU research and/or coordination projects ANALEACH (INCO-COPERNICUS), AWACSS, TRAP-NAS, WARP, WEKNOW, VIRM (FP5), AQUATERRA, EAQC-WISE, SOCOPSE, NORMAN (FP6), AQUAREHAB, EDA-EMERGE, SOLUTIONS (FP7), ANSWER, PRORISK (H2020), LIFE APEX (LIFE 2017) and TERRACHEM (Horizon Europe).
Main areas of research are:
- Study of the transport and fate of organic micropollutants (e.g. WFD priority pollutants, endocrine disrupters, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, steroids, industrial chemicals, and their degradation products);
- Screening/identification of unknown organic pollutants in environmental samples such as surface/ground water, sediments, soil and fly ash;
- Ecotoxicological data evaluation, risk assessment and proposal of remedial actions;
- Development and implementation of clean-up/waste management technologies in agricultural sector;
- Development of novel analytical methods;
- Development and construction of automated early-warning analytical systems.