Jaroslav Slobodník

Dr. Jaroslav Slobodnik is the director of EI and has an extensive experience in implementation of the EU water legislation within numerous international projects. Among his specialisations are environmental science-to-policy interactions, integrated river basin management, development of monitoring strategies and environmental analytical chemistry. He is frequently responsible for the design of the web-based environmental information and data management systems and organisation of training courses/workshops/seminars on international scale. As a member of the advisory panel to the DG ENV of the EC he was involved in drafting institutional reform proposals of DWD and, more recently, as a member of the drafting group on the development of the Water Reuse policy instrument. In support of the DG ENV at the implementation of the WFD he is a topic leader on chemical status and chemical pollution issues in EU28. Since 2008 he is a Chairman of the NORMAN Association and since 2014 a leader of the WG Bioassays within the COST Action NEREUS. He has published over 70 scientific papers, book chapters and industrial patents.


Peter Oswald

Dr. Peter Oswald is the head of the analytical laboratory of EI and researcher in the field of environmental analytical chemistry. He was involved as a senior researcher in several EU-funded projects, e.g. WARP, AWACSS, AQUATERRA, NORMAN, SOCOPSE, EAQC-WISE and AQAUREHAB and participated at the ecological and chemical status assessment of more than twelve river basins in Europe. He is regularly involved in organisation of numerous international training courses on the use of advanced analytical methodologies for analysis of WFD and DWD parameters and implementation of related QA/QC systems in water laboratories. His team frequently carries out screening of WFD PS, other river basin specific substances and performs inventories of industrial pollution.