Agricultural sector is one of the largest contributors to the Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) pollution of the European rivers, whose high levels may cause excessive eutrophication and, consequently, negatively impact surrounding ecosystems. Among the primary polluters are often wastewaters from industrial enterprises agro-processors animal and agricultural farming. There is a need to strengthen the policy and regulatory framework that regulates nutrient run-off and discharge from livestock farms and slaughterhouses, in line with the EU Nitrate Directive (ND) and towards protection of nitrate-vulnerable areas, transposition of the EU ND into the Law on Fertilizers, and development of a Code of Good Agricultural Practices.
There is a need to develop cost-effective methods and technologies by which livestock farms and slaughterhouses can reduce nutrient run-off and discharge into the rivers, and to improve agricultural advisory service capacity to extend knowledge of these technologies.